Deltawave, your assumptions about Jesus and spirituality need reining in.
When you quote somebody or more remotely still imagine their mind, it would be well to have at least known the person. Nobody outside the great fiction work of the Bible ever knew, saw or recorded the Jesus character’s words let alone knew his mind.
Jesus is the name labelling a religious saviour myth in the second century, having evolved over millennia from folk stories, not a real flesh and blood man. If you think he is please supply us with the evidence. You then make assumptions that spirituality is an important thing to have (why please?) and on top of that determine that there are false types of spirituality and true types, these ideas build assumptions on top of assumptions. Sorry to say but it is the mindset of one who has been bamboozled by the powerful lure of religious hope and of course we all sympathise with that.
From what you have said, you are fresh out of the JW prison and that means you are in a time of readjustment before you get things sorted. As JWs we all took things for granted and were actually taught not to challenge authorities but outside that straightjacket the smart thing to do is to be a sceptic...don’t believe a thing without the evidence first. Challenge everything! Especially “spirituality”... a word as nebulous as candyfloss. Remember though, we are on your side.